Friday, January 4, 2008

Many meals, many laughs, many memories

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! Ours was busy. We spent Christmas weekend at Julie's parents in Amery, WI. Alex enjoyed his first Christmas and received wonderful presents, although he was more interested in the ribbon and playing with the cat. It was nice to spend time with family and relax. Alex also got to go sledding for the first time. The pictures don't do justice to how much fun he actually had. Unfortunately we only had one good weather day to go outside. He giggled going down the bumpy hill and loved making snow angels. The weekend following Christmas the Kearney clan came to Plover to celebrate the holiday. We made accommodations for 8 adults, two toddlers, and two infants. Much fun, food, and drink were enjoyed by all. Alex enjoyed playing with his cousins, aunts, uncle and grandparents so much he tuckered himself out... he took a two and a half hour nap after everyone left.

Alex has a push car he got from Kelly and Travis when he was born. Now that he is close to walking he loves it, and uses it all the time. It is cute to watch him motor all over the house pushing his cart.

Alex wouldn't be a Kearney boy if he weren't getting into some kind of trouble. In the first picture he got a hold of D.J.'s "Sport Illustrated" one day and decided to leaf through it while Julie was getting ready for work. The second picture shows Alex's favorite activity, pulling all of the Tupperware and utensils out of the drawers. One day he completely emptied the two bottom drawers. The only reason he didn't do three was because he couldn't reach.

With the Vikings in the hunt for a playoff spot D.J. wanted Alex to get into the spirit of things and taught him to do "touchdown". Unfortunately he didn't get to practice enough because Minnesota couldn't get in the end zone, but we did catch a cute pose on camera.

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