Thursday, July 12, 2007


So in the last couple of weeks we've been so busy!! The summer is going so quickly and we didn't think we were going to be busy this summer, but now we're realizing that we were wrong.

July 1st was Alex's baptism, and we were so excited to have so much of our family here - not only to celebrate, but to be at our house (we always like visitors). Here are some pictures!!! Alex was so good, no crying or anything. Julie's brother, Jeff, and D.J.'s sister, Jennifer, are his godparents.

In Alex's first week of being 5 months old we introduced him to a couple of very exciting new things, his ExerSaucer (I know that doesn't sound all that interesting, but put yourself in the footy bottoms of an energetic little boy) and a swimming pool. We have lots of pool pictures, because they are so cute - Alex loves his baths, and he enjoyed it by kicking around, I think the life jacket and the vast size of the pool were a lot to take in.

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