Sunday, August 19, 2007

6 Months Old!!!!

On August 8th Alex turned 6 months old. The last six months have flown by but so much has changed at the same time. Last week Alex had his 6 month check up he was 17 pounds 11 ounces and 27 inches long. He also got 3 immunizations, he was a trooper and didn't cry until the 3rd needle went in (it took that long to realize what the strange sharp pain was in his leg). He did great and only cried for a couple minutes, it must have been tiring though as he slept most of the day.
At six months Alex has accomplished a lot, especially in the past 6 weeks. He now has six teeth!, which he's been using to eat solid food. He sat up and started crawling within the last week, and just today we caught him pulling himself up on a small box. He loves to be tickled and to chase the cat. He is starting to develop his own personality. He's a very happy baby and smiles a lot. We've been VERY blessed as he has been so content. It's been nice for us now that he enjoys playing by himself, allowing us to get some things done. However, one of the most precious things is when we get on the floor to play with him and he crawls up into our laps. "What?!? You looking at me?"

"I've gotta get the bag.".

He's so cute when he smiles.

"My first time eating cereal. YUMMY!"

"Daddy and Grandpa took me swimming in the Lake. Mom didn't let me go skiing."

"Happy Birthday GG!"

Alex loves his Exer-saucer.

"I can't wait to get my driver's license."