Alex is getting bigger and discovering things every day. He has begun cutting his first teeth! The first one came in on Monday and the second started breaking skin on Friday. We like to call them his "alligator chompers". Other accomplishements including rolling from his stomach to his back with some consistancy and realizing he can pull on his toys to make them sing. He continues to be a wiggler, in constant movement only stopping to sleep.
Friday was D.J.'s 26th birthday. Alex decided to buy some plants for the front of the house as birthday presents, with those and some other gift certificates we got a whole new front landscape. It was a nice change as you can see with the before and after pictures. We spent the Memorial Day weekend working around the house, not only did we plant bushes we planted 19 sapling trees around the yard, planted annuals in the whiskey barrels, and stained the deck furniture.