Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Christmas 2009

We let Alex decorate part of the tree last Christmas with the cloth ornaments and he made sure that his area was completely covered - not a one could be left unused. Alex showed us just how good he was with his matching. If he found any ornaments that were similar they had to be lumped on the same branch. We found out just how many bells, Santas and Christmas trees we really had.
Ta Da, all done!!!!

We enjoyed an evening out for the LSS Christmas party.
Meeting Santa. We found a very different experience for meeting Santa this year - no lines at the mall for us, this guy transforms his front yard into Santa's workshop and sits outside waiting for visitors in his little house. It was fun to have a real personal experience with Santa.
We each decorated Christmas cookies, and these pictures don't do justice, but Alex's is layered about an inch thick with frosting, sprinkles and gummies - it took a good 3 days or so to eat it all gone.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Catching Up

Now that we've finally moved into our house and set up the internet we wanted to update everyone on what's been going on. It's been so long since we've really updated this that we feel bad. So, here it goes...

Like we said in our last update we've moved into our new house in Waconia. Julie's job at Ameripise and D.J.'s job at LSS have been great. We've both been presented with new challenges that we enjoy. Some days are crazier than others, but that's kind of how life goes.

This summer we were able to spend a lot of time with our families and friends. In the 8 months since we've moved we've done so much. We spent a couple of weekends over the summer in Amery with Julie's parents boating and relaxing.

Here's Alex soaking in the summer sun.

He loved helping Grandma water the garden. He took the job VERY seriously...

...but found creative ways to accomplish what he needed to do.

We made regular visits to the house as it was being built. Ever since the walls were up Alex would run in and check out his room right when we got there.

He's always full of smiles.

For the 4th of July we went to the celebration in Chanhassen. Alex loved seein all of the flags and pointed out every one he saw. He got to go in his very first carnival ride. We were going to ride with him, but he insisted riding by himself.
Taking in the view.

Crazy driver!!!!

Along with the carnival rides and food they also had a car and tractor show. We asked Alex if he wanted to take a picture with one of the tractors. Out of the 15 or 20 tractors that were lined up he immediately pointed out the only green tractor at the very end of ther row.
This summer the Mall of America hosted a 10th Birthday party for Sponge Bob Squarepants. Since Alex lovs to sing the Sponge Bob song we went and got to meet the birthday boy and watch a movie.
Alex and Sponge Bob.

Waiting for the movie to start.
This was the first time Alex had been to the movie theater so we weren't sure how he'd do and decided that if he got too antsy we'd just leave. Not only did Alex sit through the entire movie he waited patiently for 20 minutes for the movie to start.

Silly Goose!

The 2009 PGA Championship was at Hazeltine in Chaska which is literally in D.J.'s parents' backyard. We had been given a couple of days of tickets and below are some of the pictures.
Checking out the field of players.

Alex and D.J. went out the first morning of practice rounds to checkout the course and not expecting to see any big names so early in the week. We heard that Tiger had gone out early in the morning and was about the finish his practice round when we got there. When Alex heard that Tiger was there he kept asking "Where's Tiger Daddy? Where's Tiger?" We got close to him as he was walking between holes and when I told Alex that Tiger was right infront of use he wasn't really impressed, he was hoping for a real tiger.

Alex working on his putting stroke

10th Hole

Monday practice round.

Tiger teeing off 7 - looks like he's stading on a mountain of people.

We were able to look over the fence on the 6th green as the back of the Kearney's neigborhood looks over the course.

Alex looking for tigers

When we moved into the house we moved Alex out of the crib and into a big boy bed. He never got up once and couldn't have transitioned any better.
Enjoying his new room.

Alex playing dress up at Grandma and Grandpa Fretwells

Alex at his very first Twins game.

He even got to run the bases after the game.

Alex's new buddy, T.C.

Alex's favorite part of the going to the Twins game was riding the lightrail train.
The Chanhassen Arboretium is 10 minutes from our house. We went there one night this summer and took some of these pictures.

This fall we made a trip to an orchird to get apples and pumpkins. On the way out Alex got to see and pet the horses.
D.J. was more afraid of the horses than Alex

Alex and his pumpkins

Alex really enjoyed trick-or-treating this year. He had a perfect monkey costume for the cold day.